Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mastering "Time"

We need to understand how things are affecting our life and how we respond to know how to be master of our own destiny or future.
Earlier we noted that time has an unparallel control on us. Do you know that time as we know it is a linear function and to monitor it we defined it to the solar movements and our biological effects by the solar movements.
But the true “Time” which we need to understand is a complex and a function of n, where n= our input factors, which again varies from the inputs of our senses and the effect of desires on the perception of those sense assimilations. Here I am not talking about the 24 hour day etc., the time we generally know, we should keep this in mind.
A simple example which I narrated in my earlier section about the exam effect on the student or the one who takes it, clearly shows the effect of the one of the various factors belonging to “n”. As n tends to infinity we reach a state of delusion or madness and result in uncontrolled mental agony. Imagine where all the workload and chores of a home maker or an assistant in an office is loaded more and more with newer demands while the earlier ones remain unfulfilled? Or in our own case let the unending desires play prank on us everyday to design the daily life with increased demands day after day. Can you see the factor n having a tendency to go to infinity will take us where? We all will be left with no ”time” for anything. It is, what we want in 24 hours have gone up, but we are unable to expand the availability to create or utilize the 24 hour for meeting all those variants. While this being the effect of our 24hour time, can we swim and see the effect of it is not really affecting us if only and only we know and understand the aspect of time and how to be a master of it?
To begin that journey we need to “LET GO” the controlling factors belonging to the n variants. It may look impossible but we do it day in and day out without knowing that we did it and we can do it.
In our peregrination from childhood to the later stages we had done the 'let-go' many-a- times otherwise we would not have left our childhood desires and belongings. We also know that the let-go effect is going to be there later too, but we deny that we can let go things to be masters. We can’t let-go our habits, we can’t let-go our belongings, we can’t let-go anything to which we cling as if without them I am nothing. But “time” will take them away one day or other. It is that “time” I am referring to here for us to be master of. So before it is forced on us why not we surpass that moment in life so that we have gone farther in time to be masters of it? Can we do it? Why not? To be a master of your own one need to do it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Time Again

Once we understand the concept of time and decipher the conditions it puts on our day-to-day activities, which are guided by our planning and verification while executing , both triggered by the thoughts that precede or follow it, we will be able to really get control of the "true time" that we need to know.

How do we do that?

Well, to do that we first of all we need to release ourselves from the conditions that the so called time controls in us in today’s life. What are they? If we were to do an analysis of things and time, we will find that almost every living moment of ours is managed or controlled by the so called time which we think we know.

But seldom we allow us to take control of it and manage it so that we can manage it better for our real need. And what is that? For answering this we need to know first "why do we do what we do"?

Many us even dare not think about it, for we are so scared that it will open up a Pandora box of new problems and we will be in a deluge of problem apart from that are already being fought every day.

No. it is not true. Actually it is this fear that keeps us form even attempting to find out “why we do what we do?” Fear is primordial and it keeps us busy away from finding alternatives and only those who have taken courage to challenge fear have really taken the right step in the right direction.

When I say fear, I do not exclude any fear. It can be in any form. From fear of death to fear of fear itself. All forms of fear drive us away from taking conscious bold steps in finding out the cause or the purpose of life, which I termed above as “why we do what we do”

We often carry out many routine chores while our thoughts are in a different plane and on objects. These actions are not done with any involvement and like a robot we carry them out. On such occasions we do a perfect job by sheer practice or less complexity of it. But have you noticed actions like breathing, sneezing, blinking, etc, do not even exist in our memory unless it was linked with another act or event of importance. But we never ask ourselves why am I breathing or blinking etc? do we? But any other act where we need to involve and expect a “result”, we are scared or are careful. For the results control our thoughts and through them the actions. And invariably we are in a state of fear, fear of failure. This is because the result is more important than the action. Even though we all know that it is the action that controls the result but , fear of failure and the result thereof controls our action.

Fear of failure is again driven by two factors, time to complete and how we do it. While we may know how to do it, mostly it is the factor of “time” which plays an important factor and the decisive factor of success or failure. We internally fear that we may be able to complete it and the way want to complete it. This pressure works during examination and most fail not because they never know the answer but they lost ”time” due to fear and could not complete the full requirement.

While how we do it, is basic dexterity and this depends on the practice one puts in. But the real controlling factor on the spot performance is not dexterity but knowing the “Time” and its influence on our actions. For this we need to think and understand the concept of “time” and how to mange or take control of it so that we master our actions.

This we will discuss in detail step by step in the following days.