Monday, August 15, 2011

Future... the way I see it....

Future: the way I see it….

Before I start getting into the subject, let me state my assumptions based on which I am writing these words and if they are not in line with anyone else’s, I have no objection and will not matter to me.

· I am also a human being like those who read this and have developed thinking faculty based on the life’s learning which I have acquired over the past half a century. Some of you may be able to think in my lines and others may not, I can not help such readers.

· Humanity, which includes me is only like a moth compared to the life of the cosmos and hence, I do not give much importance to longevity and related ambitions which some of us are harboring in their bosom.

· This humanity also is a much later entrant in this surface of earth and has evolved to think themselves as the controllers of the earth, nay, the cosmos. This is absurd and will be known as I develop my vision below.

· In the time span there are views which are micro in level and progressing into larger frame of expectations or possibilities.

· All living beings, that includes this homo-sapiens too, are basically looking for happiness and state of fulfillment of body mind and intellect. The need of each of them can vary depending up on the level of faculty developments from bodily needs to mental to intellectual. But the basic requirement of food clothing and shelter when ever it is needed by the body it should be available or will search for it.

· As a reader of various inputs I may have scientific, religious, philosophical, fictional influences, which may reflect some of my views. I have not given much importance to day to day science and technology, semantic religions and science fictions as they are only in the developing stages to see futuristic views.

· Last but least, these are my own views.

Today: As I see the present world is a micro view and is easy to explain from that view, when compared to the time existence is and will be for future. So let me visualize some of the near so future possibilities and likely hood of events that can control not only during my life span, but also for may be a few centuries to come following it.

From the time the Scientific inventions started interfering with the functioning of the live of, not only human beings but also others interrelated to human existence, all present day inhabitants, there has been a force driving it towards more and more of commercial needs and defining of profitability as the basic need. This is even seen in the so called management gurus who evaluate life in the terms of success and failure. Not to say about the scientific psychologists, who drill in the mind of their patients various notions under their assumptions that the insecurity and schizophrenias are a resultant behavior due to lack of security arising out of finance and that has driven to a wrong judgment of lack of possessions and hence the symptoms. Never could they link even one case that there is a basic insecurity arising out of mind as a threat to existence itself.

Even the world bodies existing and extinct are and were victims of this “value” based politics which nations play. Like any child’s play, the one with a better toy is always admired, even the UN admires only those nations which has better equipments and who can flex them. Not to listen to others whose members may be suffering in the hands of their rulers, but has no toys to flaunt, like the oil, nuclear or mineral wealth etc. Even without concurrence the big boys conquer and other pleasingly ignore. While where it is needed it is not deployed and conveniently forgotten or ignored. These will one day give rise to the collapse of the UN. As the big boys will have no steam in them and would have become bankrupts or toothless tigers. Chaos will rule the world and fight for scares commodities of food clothing and shelter will be the much sought after commodities not nuclear weapons or super computers. For they wont meet the basic needs for survival. Oil after its deplete from the present countries, will be left as concrete jungles for dust and vultures to inhabit. The last of the traces will be in the oil sands of Canada. Nuclear fuel will be in use for mass transportations and sea voyages as aircrafts carrying them will be seen as potential warheads and hence not deployed. As humanity starts doubting humanity, there will be scheming and politics which will define relations of nations. More and more nations will shake hands with food generating nations and the oil producing ones will not be even needed to be around.

More inhabitation will move towards the equator for want for fertile lands and fresh water. Water of other parts will become poisonous and unpalatable. Countries like India, African nations and central American nations will be crowded and there will be food shortage. Rain water harvesting tanks will become like the septic tank requirements of constructions. Either the nations like India and China will collaborate of they need to survive or China can occupy the southern nations for want of food security. They will occupy the nations and convert the farm lands to larger areas from the current small ownerships for more production. This may be also driven by the lack of people who knows agriculture due to the technological push that is going on now leaving older citizens with agricultural land and no interested parties to carry out farming. There will be more computer specialists than farmers, more engineers and doctors than labourers in the farming lands. More computer malls than farm out put markets. More pathological labs than agricultural labs. All these will create a shortage in the basic necessities of humanity.

Humanity will move to abandon technical developments for food security and basic needs. They may be even willing to move into man-made caves and shun clothing for want of food. No amount of technology will replace the availability of land for basic cultivation and the carcinogen generation and subsequent pollution will further shrink the available cultivable land. Technology will push for GMO food to meet the needs and also increase the physically challenged in the per capita of each nation. This will make humanity more insensitive and selfish for survival resulting in termination of children with spastic potential, as they become unwanted and a burden to rest of them fighting for survival.

Many of the natures recyclers will cease to exist due to the insensitive habits of humanity. Many species will become extinct to even remember their names.

Humanity may find life patterns existing on other planets and will attempt to communicate thinking that the basic communication patterns are similar to human’s, While those who receive them will resort to self-defence and thwart a potential onslaught from humanity. Where in there can be a colossal loss of life on planet earth.

Humanity has looked to cosmos and declared the beginning of the world as a result of a big bang. All these from their kaleidoscopic view of the universe. They are limited with the five sense organs and their extensions by way of instrumentations. They can only visualize on the three dimensions and any addition to it cannot be fathomed and defined as there is lack of faculty to define them. The definition that there is only vacuum and nothing in it, in itself a wrong statement, as nothing cannot exist and hence there has to be something. The very statement that there is nothing is an affirmation of an existence. But incapability to explain it is easily explained as a term vacuum. What is that existing between two planets or the sun and the other planets? Not air but anti-mater, there is this something which is yet to be in the measureable terms for humanity and the rockets are able to thrust on it and light is able to travel. Newton’s third law may be the explanation but the fact of it is that there is nowhere in the cosmos that there is nothing.

As the time space expands in human terms it is actually in a process of continuous flex and the kaleidoscopic view of humanity feels it is expanding. This flex throws many opportunities and threats to our existence. While the opportunities may look tempting the threats are more imminent. Like the asteroidal impact or a black hole sucking us into it or even for that matter a giant plant with gravitational force four million times of the solar system spins the entire solar system into a deferent pattern and also sucks out the surface water and air from the planet earth to a deferent plant.

There the evolutions may begin again when the conditions on that planet is ripe for it. Many may lie as the frogs in the rock type for ages before coming out and living.

This cycle will keep happening, like the moths in rain, we humanity also will get a chance again.