Thursday, December 3, 2009

Time -.- 2

Well when we start our wild goose chase, I said we need to start from some point of reference. So where do we start and "when" do we start? The when has relevance only if we fix where. For the time we all know is space bound. Can you specify time without reference to space? You may "at 13.00 hrs GMT" which means it is specific to GMT or any other reference to the space on the surface of earth. Now imagine if you are in space and how will you refer to time if given a choice. Not guided by NASA or any controlling authority? Will you still like to refer to GMT etc? Once I wrote to my daughter

"Time is relative. you calculate it in relation with the motion of sun and earth and your biological settings, again related to the day and night created by the same sun and earth.

Once you are in space the time has different meaning. But your body needs it relative to the biological measurement method. Again here the body forces you to redefine the measure of time in relation to your limited capability to measure it with your biological settings.

Imagine the situation where you have reset your biological requirements of rest and activity to a new measure then in a space where there is no day and night, then your measure of time can be infinite. Hence to expand time delimit your biological needs through mental potentials and you will see the time melts in the process and merges with space and when you stop seeing the space but start being in it or one with it the truth will dawn that the time you set now is a part of the infinite space/time and you are the space which is infinity, but by identifying with the biological limitations you limit the time."

Don't you think we need to think about these and redefine our definition of time?

Still want to do the wild goose chase?........


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