Monday, May 16, 2011

There is no Big Bang

I can surely say that there was never a big bang and all theories related to it.

The reasons being:

1. Time is the basic assumption on which the theory exists. i.e. there is a beginning of time. Let me say that just a the five sensory limitations and related narrow vision/experience of the world of existence, man has the concept of time unique to his brain. The experience of time in itself varies for each one and at different moments of experience.

2. We extend the concept of time of ours to be acceptable to every thing known to us. i.e What we have defined as time like minutes, hour, day etc...etc.. including the time space co-joint factor of light years etc.. what is our day is not the same for other beings, what is our lifespan is not the same for other beings.

3. Even in human beings we do not have the effect of time and its knowledge till the thoughts are formed and the faculty of remembering becomes crystallised. as a baby even if we are alive we do not have time as a factor that controls us. It has more to do with biological necessities rather the physical clock.

4. The universe again what we call it today is an experience in continuum and never a beginning and never an end. Only our experience has a beginning and an end or limitations what ever one would like to call it.

It will be foolish to say that there is no time concept for metals and minerals, air and water, planets and stars. They too have the concept of time as they also go through the patterns of change. Every change is in time. But the measure what is for humans are not the same for other existing objects. Even thoughts have existence in time only as an experience. The measure of that time is different from the clock. So can a theory like Big Bang exist as it is a concept in mind and cannot be verified by reversing the experience of mind? Even if the argument of it did happen then there has to be something that exploded in time and there for time and that thing existed before the Bang??

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