Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Will or Desire from Time immemorial

Why do we desire?

Well, this question itself may not come to the mind of many to ask this..... as if,... dugh.... you don't know? because I want it so I desire....

Exactly this is where we begin. I have a want and hence I desire, isn't it?Well for your kind information it is not. Read along the following to understand and actualize the desires.

There are two aspects of desire, one being manifest and other of course the un-manifest (of which we cannot commend). For the time being let us keep aside your desire, my desire etc.. and come to the general aspect of the function desire. When did this manifested form of desire begin? or where did it occur first or is there the un-manifest desire becoming manifest at a point of time? many many un-answered secretes....

If we are to go back on the want, to the desire, to the manifested state of which we have knowledge, we need to examine from the object of desire. it can be a material, non material, status, or many of the multifarious demands that we come across.
Psychologically saying we may come across a term “to fulfil a need realised by the mind”. So there is a void or lack of presence felt by the mind and we need to fulfil this to become full? Isn’t not. So the void or lack of presence, is it the cause or is it the state of mind that feels it? Because if it is the lack of presence or void then the achievement of it should permanently obliterate the need for it again. But as we can notice the same object has variable needs felt for us to desire to hate to even run away form the very sight of it. Also form of an intense desire to acceptance  and also repetition of it. So this gives us an answer that it is not in the object. I mean the desire do not rest in the object. Is it then the state of the mind?  If so then why it keeps changing and have different set of values as “my mind in mine and I know my desires”. Is it true? In order to understand this or explain this we need to know the “my” who may know the answers to the mind’s behaviour and the generation of desires by it.

It has been said that the Primordial Seed “willed” that It may become many and then the whole creation sprung forth. So to desire or will was the first action in creation itself. This was passed on to the entire manifestations and hence there is not a thing which do not exhibit this Primordial Will in its existence. In other words every atom or sub particles thereof is fulfilling this Primordial Will to multiply. Every action therefore is an act to pervade and prevail. To fulfil the Will of that first action. So every created, including the so called man with his intelligence is in that act of fulfilment of the Desire or Will of the Primordial Seed of which every atom is part. Even to this day the Will is being persuaded by that Primordial Seed. Only It knows when to stop or when will that Will get fulfilled.
So in our part the desire is the Will of That Seed of which we are products. By desiring we want to pervade and proliferate, or, better the other way proliferate and pervade. In order to achieve this from the time of birth there are wants that are exhibited by every creation. Common is to any living being, the desires like food, sleep, fear, and procreate. These are common to all living and non living beings. Some we may see and know, while some others with life span that is so much more than that of human life span may not be able to see them like in the nonliving beings like earth , sun and stars etc..

If you look in introspection and unbiased to the desires or wants or needs or Will etc, which we exhibit during our life time is in fact our innate motive to merge or pervade into the objects which we desire. What in between happens is that the identification of our existence to the body, which we start thinking we are, distorts the vision of that Wish to proliferate into an act of possession or amassing. A master in a explanation explains this beautifully saying that “the desire we all exhibit is not for anything but to propitiate that Will of the Primordial Will of which we are also the very part”. Means we love for our own sake and not to satisfy the loved. Our love to anything is to possess, prima phasi, but the underlying urge is to merge with it to become part of us. These Desires or Wills keep shifting as long as we identify with our aging body, from toys of childhood to fling of adolescence, to a love as we mature and then it shifts to more of a need for companion and a support later. Not to mention about the other millions wishes and desires material in nature.

So then to desire is not our fault. Well, it depends. To desire has two view points which is to be understood if we need to master that. Where we feel that we have control over the item desired we have a tendency to show a superiority and look down towards it. Like the desire to have a toy or a home or a garden or a vehicle etc.. We feel that we can “choose” or manipulate the functions of the object to meet the maximum control over it. Such desire are detrimental as our wish or desire is not to accept the way it comes. Even though we may buy or take it but there is an intention to control or modify it to meet more of our desires. This is manipulative and leaves an impression in our subconscious mind that we had a victory or an ego feeling of mastery. As it also leaves similar impression on the object and its subconscious or un-manifested consciousness (in case of non-living) which disturbs the balance of nature of created from pursuing the Primordial Will. If we accept the way it comes, it makes us also happy and the merged creation also goes through the same feeling, then we are generating a universal act of fulfilling. So looking at the question, to desire is it a fault. Well not if you are accepting the things as they are, not otherwise.

Coming back, we all desire or Will not because of anything but as we are products of that Primordial Seed, the Will or desire of which is to become many is exhibited through us. Mal-identification of our existence with the body, which cannot proliferate or permeate, diverts this desire as a manipulated function to overthrow the Will of that Seed of which we are all part. When our Will is in tune with that of the nature or universe, there are unseen forces which also are trying to attain the same Wish or Will colludes with us and increases the potential and satisfaction.

Desire if you wish, but keep this law of the nature or universe or the Primordial Seed or what ever name you want to give, as the guiding principle. There will be no regrets.

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