Thursday, June 23, 2016

Live and let Live

We are all like individual trees in a rain forest trying to find our own space and life. Some are strong others are not. But they may be excellent in other aspects of life which the stronger are not. Each one has a role in the health of the forest. Some may bear fruit while others may give out fragrance,  yet others may have thornes while there are some which need others for existance. Its unlike that a lonely tree can be a forest nor will it survive for long like in a forest.

Why is this cooperative endeavors important? That's the design of nature. Nature has created it's own rules for the survival of its creations. It has ensured that those who do not fall in line will be edged out of the endeavour by means of alienating the one who do not fall in line by the action of others. 
Why should one be alienated? When that one becomes a centre of its own and starts demanding from others. Initially that may be accepted as a need but when it persists and demands keep increasing,  the ecological balance is under threat. For the survival,  the extra demanding one will have to be edged out to fend it's own. 
Why should there be extra demand? When it fails to understand the importance of the cooperative endeavors of others. Meaning when it starts demanding it's needs before and above others. Here the "I ", "my" and "mine" drives the extra demand. This may not be understood by the one demanding it. But when the others are not falling in line and it starts facing alienation or differential treatment, it should be understood that those are the signals of the ecological balance and not of those individual trees. Live and let Live is the rule of the nature.

How to Live and let Live? It's here that I have found its answers in my philosophy. We should learn that  'no man is an island in himself' and everyone wants everyone. No one is expendable. However much that person is not in tune with your views and desires that individual is part of creation and has equal right to exist and  express. We have to learn to absorb that comes to us asked or unasked. Accept everything in life as expressions of creation. We are part of the whole and hence cannot see the whole picture. Yes, we may at times feel irritating and regurgitated by those situations, but wisdom in us should overwhelm those emotions brewing in our bosom.

Understand what life is all about to Live and let Live. We are all made of the same stuff called life. We as "we" exist only till the time life exist in each one of us. That time span of existence is miniscule compared to the whole universe. If we look at the universe, we will see that some exhibit life and that those who do not. It does not mean that they are lifeless.  They have no organs to express or they are non expressive within the short time span our our cognition. If we had life longer, may be we may see existence of life in the so called inanimate objects of today. So each of those in creation are like the trees of the rain forest. Some with short expression of life and others standing tall for centuries. Its the same soil and water which rejuvenate each molecule of that forest. They share the beauty and fragrance of the forest, may it be a cactus or a rose, a banyan tree or insignificant creeper on one of its branches,  they are breath and live the same nature. So are they not in their space right? Their right to exist? Right to express? Right to perish? Just as each one has that right? Then why should anyone of us should expect from the other their space to make mine more comfortable?

The more we understand and accept life in its totality the more peace of mind we will have and will we be in tune with nature and creation. It doesn't mean those moments of irritation and regurgitation will stop,  but we will learn how to succeed in such moments.

Only such a person will be at peace with himself and radiating peace around. Others won't be.

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